Make sure you read everything below and watch the video now because this offer expires. Space is limited inside the VIP Lab and we will be closing it down when it reaches capacity.

Think about this for a second…

How Good Would You Be In 3 Months
From Now If Your Game Suddenly
Improved 2X Faster?

Well, most likely you’d be…

  • Making more 3’s
  • Dunking in games
  • Scoring more points
  • Winning more tournaments
  • …and getting way more attention on the court!

Well What If There Was An Age-Old Secret That
Pro Players Have Been Using For Decades
To 2X Their Game?

…all without training more, working harder or paying thousands
of dollars for professional, 1-on-1 coaching.

Well Luckily For You, There Is.

But first, I’ve got a question for you...

Aren’t you tired of waiting for "some day" to take your game to the next level?

Wouldn’t you like to eliminate the uphill battle of "grinding it out" in training every day - and finally start experiencing the success, fun, and luck that top players enjoy?

If You're Like Many Of My Students,
The Answer Is YES!

But the sad fact of the matter is that you will never, ever experience this leap in results if you keep training without this one, critical, training weapon.

What’s this weapon you ask?

Well let’s get a little clue from a guy named Lebron James, you may have heard of him. In an interview he was asked what he felt his secret to success was.

This was his reply…

“I would never be in the position that I am today

if I didn’t have the coaches, the teachers and

the mentors that helped me.”

Lebron James Lebron James

Did you catch that?

Well here’s another clue from Kobe Bryant when he was asked how he became so great…

"You really have to lean on muses and mentors

going forward, just as I did as a kid. “

Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant

Hopefully this is starting to sink in, but if it isn’t…

The Real Secret To Their Success, And Yours, Is
To Have A Strong Support Network
Behind You

A network of mentors, teachers and friends makes an astonishing difference to the speed you improve and this is the big secret behind how mediocre players become great.

…And Study After Study Backs This Up.

Here’s a “game improvement” graph of a baller without a strong support network, just like you:

No Network = Slow, Tedious Improvement

You really don’t want this!

Now here’s a graph of those players smart enough to have an elite community behind them to help push them towards their goals:

Support Network = Explosive Growth!

And personally, I know for a fact that without the wisdom of players that had actually achieved the goals I was striving for, I never would’ve hit my goals either.

Milestones like…

  • Leading the nation in scoring my senior year of high school
  • Receiving a full ride NCAA Division 1 Scholarship
  • Becoming an NCAA team captain at 2 years in a row and leading the team to the most wins in school history
  • Signing a professional basketball contract

The simple fact is, without a support network’s help and mentorship, you’re going to keep flat-lining and experiencing endless frustration with your game.

So If All Elite Players Have A Strong Support
Network And Mentors, Isn't It Time
You Had One Too?

Just think for a minute about how your game would improve if you
had hundreds of elite ballers helping you 24/7…

  • No more doubts as you second-guess your training program
  • No more losing motivation and focus when things get tough
  • No more anxious worries about whether you’re good enough
  • No more worrying about whether you’ll reach your goals

Help And Support Is How You Will Become Team
Captain, Get A Basketball Scholarship And
Heck, Maybe Even Make It To The NBA!

And this is exactly what I’d like to hand over to you.


The VIP Lab

The #1 Online Basketball Performance Software

Leave All Your Friends And Teammates In The Dust
As You Accelerate Your Skills Faster Than
They Could Ever Dream Of.

Inside the exclusive VIP Lab software you get access to me and my VIP community of like-minded ballers all with only one thing on their minds…

TGD - Total Game Domination.

The VIP Lab is a fully online, all-digital community similar to Facebook where you can post your status updates, get feedback on your skills, talk about last night’s game and share tips.

This is your chance to join my own, personal mastermind of hundreds of elite dunkers and basketball players who are always ready to answer your questions and help you in any way they can.

Join Our Brotherhood Of Mentors, Coaches,
Friends And Finally Have Your Own
Support Network Looking
Out For You

Here's a video where I show you exactly what's inside and how it all works…

Watch This Video Now
To See Inside!

To Become An Elite Player You Need
Elite Help And Support

  • Want to upload a video so we can troubleshoot your dunking or shooting technique? No problem!
  • Want to know how to network in the industry to get recruited? No sweat!
  • Looking to get a sponsorship deal or a scholarship? Been there, done that!
  • Need custom tips on training, the best proteins, jumping or ball skills? You got it!
  • Heck, got a weird feeling in your ankles at 2am on a Tuesday? Shoot!

What’s Inside:

The VIP Lab software is the epicenter of the action. Here you get to chat with the community, make friends and learn from them.

Plus you can…

  • Get direct access to me, Adam Folker
  • Post jump and shooting videos to get personal feedback
  • Post questions about your training or program
  • Get help from other members
  • Earn 'Gold Bank' by helping other members
  • Earn 'Trophy Points' to upgrade your profile’s rank increasing your status and credibility in the forum
  • The leaderboard keeps a constant, up-to-date score of who is currently the King Of Vert Shock
  • Lean on our strong support network to help you 24/7
  • Interact and make friends with other members exactly like you

Here Are Some Extra Cool Features:

  • Transfer your Gold Bank to other members for their help/advice
  • Live Weekly Webinars – Here I answer your questions live!
  • Get VIP access to regular product discounts, sales and free giveaways.
  • You get automatic entry into our competitions to win Nike gear, supplements, gold bank, trophy points and of course, Thincpro products.
  • Earn trophy points and gain status and recognition for your contributions inside the VIP Lab
  • Start a poll and have other members vote their opinions

Get Your “Locker Room” Pass To My
Inner Circle Of Elite Ballers And
Basketball Insiders Today…

Today Is The Turning Point
In Your Game

I mean, of course we will skyrocket your game with your ThincPRO training programs, but this goes way beyond just learning basketball skills…

You see, I've been where you want to be.

I've played professional basketball, signed the contracts, made the money and..

…Even Hung Out With Legends Of The Game.

And none of this would have been possible if I did not learn early in my career that you need a support network to help you along the way.

So this is your once in a lifetime opportunity to ask us anything about the game of basketball whatsoever…

You can drill us for tips on training, getting recruited, succeeding in basketball, staying motivated or anything else you can possibly think of.

We’re Going To Pull You Up To The Next
Level With Our Own Bare Hands!

BONUS: I will also be filling the member's area with regular new material like videos and PDF's and you will get access to all this 100% FREE as soon it becomes available!

So How Much Is This Going
To Cost You Ask?

Well seeing as though my coaches and I usually charge $250 per hour for 1-on-1 coaching in the real world, I could easily charge $150 per month for this kind of unlimited access and support and it would be a huge success.

However, I really want to help as many people as I can using the Lab software so I decided to make the public price only $49 per month.

But, we really want you to join us so I want to make you an offer you simply cannot possibly refuse.

As a loyal customer of mine, I want to let you snap this up for only $19.99 a month.

If that's not enough I have also set up a 100% FREE 14 day trial so you can test drive the software and see if it's for you.

There is absolutely no risk on your end and you can cancel before the 14 days are up and you will not be charged a single penny!

So take me up on this ridiculous offer before I change my mind and put it back to $49 a month by clicking the button below…

But, There's A Catch To All This…

And the catch is that this offer does expire when we reach capacity.

The Lab is such a crazy piece of software that our web servers really take a hit (because you can upload videos, photos, post on peoples walls, like posts, etc). Because of this we are limiting the number of members inside.

So click the red button above right now and you'll instantly get full access to me right away.

And of course, just like all my products, this comes with a full, 60-day money-back guarantee so you can be 100% sure that you love it. If not, you get all your money back!

So what's it gonna be?

Do You Really Want To Look Back On This
Time In Your Life And Think:
"What If I Gave 110%?"

Do you really want to waste years of your prime, killing your chances of becoming a pro baller or great dunker?

Of course not, regret sucks!

So if you don't get our help, where will you be in a year from now? Don't be left wondering how much better you could be!

Become the person that everyone knows when you walk into a gym. Finally get the attention you deserve.

WARNING: This Is Not For Everyone!

This is only for you if you are deadly serious and not only want to dunk and play like a badass but also get attention of industry scouts, maximize your entire game and save yourself months of time, energy and struggle reaching your high goals.

So, to get the insane value of 1-on-1 personal coaching directly from us as much as you want, any hour of the day on any topic imaginable and for just a few bucks per month, clicking the button below right now…

PS: Remember, you can cancel this at any time within your 14 day free trial period and you won't be charged. You could even cancel in 1 day from now, no problem.

PPS: I've taken all the risk here since you get a free trial to test it out and have the ability to cancel at any time. You've simply got nothing to lose here at all.

Start My 14 Day Free Trial
as a VIP Lab member!

[membership_order_button gateway=”clickbank” level=”2″ click_product_type=”recurring” click_product_item=”13″ click_trial_period=”14-D” click_rebill=”1-M” one_time_clickbank=”1-M” want_to_charge=”0.01″ one_time_auth=”1-M-1″ page_style=”paypal” want_to_charge_cc=”0.01″ one_time_cc=”1-M-1″ currency_cc=”USD” one_time=”1-M” description=”Lab Software” currency_new=”USD” click_skin=”13868″ click_fid=”24305″ click_ur=”d” click_f=”auto” ccaps=””]
No Thanks, I don't want to take advantage of this special offer