VERT SHOCK - #1 Jump Program Worldwide

Finally Dunk Like A Total Badass...

The ‘Dirty Secret’ Behind the World’s Top Dunker...

The ONLY Proven 3-Step Jump Training Program That Adds AT LEAST 9 – 15+ Inches To Your Vertical Jump… In Less Than 8 Weeks.

Guaranteed To Take YOU From Below The Rim
To Throwing Down Your Own Nasty Dunks in LESS THAN 8 Weeks.

Hey soon-to-be dunker,

I don’t care if you’re under 6 feet tall…

If you’re ‘un-athletic’…

Or if you’ve already tried every bogus jump ‘tutorial’ you could find on YouTube…

Before you give up on your dream of throwing down rim‑shaking dunks…

Let me tell you something…

You CAN Dunk…

And over the next few minutes, I’m going to prove it to you beyond any reasonable doubt…

Because I’m going to teach you my new 3-step, zero to slam framework…

It’s called VERT SHOCK.

And it’s a new system that YOU can use IMMEDIATELY to increase your jump a whopping 9 – 15+ inches.

All in less than 8 weeks.

Heck, most people see BIG results in as little as just a few days…

VERT SHOCK is the only system I know of that’s PROVEN to boost your hops.

Regardless of your age…




Take a quick look at what I mean…

“Using Vert Shock I went from nothing to dunking in only 7 weeks.”

“After Only 4 Weeks Of Vert Shock I Had My First Dunk EVER!”

“I'm just a regular guy and could WINDMILL after only 6 weeks of Vert Shock!”

“Before Vert Shock I was barely dunking… just catching rim grazes. Put in the work and the results will come!”

“I went from sitting on the bench, barely able to dunk - to averaging multiple dunks per game, becoming a starter, and winning the state championship!”

“Before starting Vert Shock I was just grazing the rim.. After week 7 I threw down my first dunk!”

“Thanks Vert Shock! Check out my Dunk in a game on a defender.”

“I was skeptical but the results are amazing. Vert Shock helped me make a Pro roster.”

“This is the best vertical jump program I have ever done and I’ve tried them all.”

“Hard work pays off.. Vert Shock helped me get my first dunk and now I can throw down lobs easy.”

“After about 5 weeks I finally threw down my first dunk and it felt amazing. This program is the best program out there and it really works."

"You're stuff seriously works! Thank you so much man!"

Keep in mind those are 100% REAL results from real people just like you…

And all of them have gone into this system and come out on the other side a transformed DUNKING machine…

And I can’t stress this enough:

This isn’t another one of those pointless jump tutorials.

You don’t need to do heavy squats…

Crazy box jumps…

Annoying Deadlifts…

Or anything like that.

In fact, if you stick with me for just a few moments you’ll learn some of the exercises you’re probably doing are actually KILLING YOUR VERTICAL.

But first I want to tell you a little more about my VERT SHOCK system…

So far, I’ve helped over 20,000 people experience what I would consider the best feeling in the world…

Their very first dunk.

12 minutes ago ·

I have done Vert Shock for 2 weeks now and I can't thank this program enough.

Before I started it I was grabbing rim with 1 hand from a running start. I can now grab rim with 2 hands from a STANDING JUMP!

I even threw down my first dunk EVER yesterday!

49 minutes ago ·

Thank you Vert Shock!

My vertical has exploded and I am dunking consistently now!

Vert Shock is one of the best programs out there and I want to thank Adam for helping me achieve my dream of dunking.

Here's a vid about my experience with the porgram...

And believe it or not…

VERT SHOCK Is The Secret Behind The World’s Top Dunker…

Maybe you’ve heard of Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington…

His dunks are casually featured in Slam Magazine and Bleacher Report.

He was on TNT’s hit show The Dunk King.

And I’m happy to call a him a good friend of mine.

Like I said, he currently holds the title as the World’s #1 HIGHEST Dunker.

Here’s a picture of him accepting the first-place trophy at the Nike World Dunk Contest alongside LeBron and Anthony Davis.

Even though he may be considered the world’s top dunker, he wasn’t always flying around the world just to showcase his dunks…

Long story short, he and I grew up together in Canada.

And after using and mastering the 3 simple steps in VERT SHOCK, which you’ll learn too in a moment, he has taken his dunks to a whole new level.

50.1 inches to be exact…

And let me be clear…

I’d be a complete liar if I promised you’re going to jump 50 inches…

That’s ridiculous, Justin is an absolute freak of nature…

But, I will promise you one thing…

If you follow this done-for-you roadmap…

Consisting of just a few simple workouts each week…

You can throw down your very first slam
in less than 8 weeks.

I promise you that.

Like I said, it is the best feeling in the world.

And today I’m going to share with you the roadmap to the dunk mecca…

It’s a new 60-day ELITE vertical trainer, which I call VERT SHOCK. 

And if you’re willing to stick with me for just a few minutes, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.

Including exactly WHAT VERT SHOCK is…

WHY this training regimen works a group of leg muscles that you likely never hear about…

WHO has already thrown down massive dunks by following this method.

And most importantly HOW you can use this method to dunk in less than 8 weeks.

But first let me ask you something…

What Would YOU Do If You Could Finally Dunk?

Before I go any further…

I really want you to think about it.

What would your life be like if you could throw down high flying dunks with ease… anytime you wanted?

Would you finally get that starting spot on your team?

Maybe you’d be the star who always gets the rock when the game’s on the line…

Imagine your whole school… maybe whole town… watching you throw down the MASSIVE dunks in games.

Imagine getting tagged in videos all over Instagram and Facebook…

Imagine catching the attention of college scouts nationwide…

That’s what happened to me when I used this system for myself.  (And I’ll tell you all about that in a minute.)

But first let me just say…

When you can dunk consistently it feels like almost anything’s possible.

And I can guarantee you NONE of this will ever happen:

NO MORE stretching your shoulders out of their sockets just to swipe the net

NO MORE being afraid to attack the rim in games and practices

NO MORE feeling unconfident when you step foot on the court

NO MORE whack tutorials and funky exercises trying to increase your vert

And last but not least…

NO MORE sitting on the bench when you DESERVE to be out on the court dunking on people

Just Take It From These Vert Shock Members...

“I went from struggling to dunk to throwing it down in games and ON PEOPLE.”

“I can now bang on a fast break and am dunking on defenders!”

“I'm only 5'8" and this is what I was able to do after 2 weeks of Vert Shock.”

"I'm a 5'10" white guy and after starting Vert Shock I can finally Dunk!!! THANK YOU!!"

"Vert Shock is the only program online that will actually increase your vert. I dunked after only 5 weeks!"

"Thanks to Vert Shock I'm finally able to Dunk!"

“I'm a 5’9 freshman who could never throw it down. I used Vert Shock for just two weeks and I finally dunked!!!”

"I'm Finally Able To Throw It Down And Dunk In Games Thanks To Vert Shock!"

"I am only 5'5" and after starting Vert Shock I can now throw down dunks AND alley-oops!"

34 minutes ago ·

I'm a junior in high school who just last season could barely dunk. I sat on the bench all last year and was only on the team because I was tall. I had only ever dunked once in my entire life.

Then I did Vert Shock and now I average a couple dunks a game and even dunk on defenders. I'm also a starter on the team and have won multiple dunk competitions!

This year our team went on to win the Utah state championship. I had one dunk in the quarter finals, 2 dunks in the semi finals, and a career high of 4 dunks in the state championship game!!!

I can't thank you enough for Vert Shock!

So what do you think?

Would you be willing to take the next 8 minutes to learn about the PROVEN jump system that could change your game, and ultimately your life, forever?

Please think about this carefully.

Because if you’re just someone that likes the IDEA of dunking…

But never actually wants to throw down a slam…

Do us both a favor and click the ‘X’ and leave this page for good.

If you’re someone that would rather have an ‘ordinary’ basketball career…

Maybe play a couple minutes a game…

But the only dunking you want to do is in video games…

Then the VERT SHOCK system is not for you.

Because this is an exclusive program only for those who want to be extraordinary.

Do you want to dominate your opponents and stand out in any gym you walk into?

Do you want to be recognized at parties and social events as “the guy that can dunk”?

Do you want to make it to the next level and make your parents proud?

Do you want to be the guy everyone talks about at school?

Let’s give it a go then.

“Your stuff seriously works! Thank you so much man!”

“I used to get teased but now I’m dunking with ease and it’s helped my confidence a lot!”

“After 3 weeks I threw down my first windmill WITH EASE!”

First of All, I Should Probably Introduce Myself…

My name is Coach Adam.

I used to play NCAA Division I basketball at University of California Irvine…

And later went on to play in the pros…

See I’ve traveled all around the world and played basketball against some of the best players you can imagine…

Kobe Bryant & Coach Adam

So trust me when I say –

Being an explosive player with a high vertical is not optional…


I’m only telling you this because I used to think I could get by on my height alone…

Until life pitched me a quick curveball… and all I can say is…

Kobe Bryant & Coach Adam

If it weren’t for the 3 steps in the VERT SHOCK system, which I’m about to share with you, I would never be where I am now. 

Let me explain…

First, look at this picture of me in 9th grade.

Here I was, 14 years old… 6 foot 4. 

You’d think with that height I’d be a star right?

Well guess what…

I rode the freaking bench on my freshman squad. 

Just imagine how that felt…

Being the tallest guy on the team but your coach only subs you in if you have a double-digit lead.

And how could I blame him?

I was weak, had zero explosive ability… and worst of all…

I could barely touch the rim…

Now when you’re this tall, and you meet someone for the first time, guess what they ALWAYS ask you…

“Wow do you play basketball?”

How do you think it feels when people define you by a sport…

And you aren’t even good at it?!

I’ll never forget one game in particular.

This girl I had a huge crush on came to watch…

And guess what?

I sat square on the bench for the entire 40 minutes.

My highlight of the night was a few layups during halftime warmups…

I’ll never forget being so humiliated…

I just wanted to get out there and prove myself.

So I went home that night defeated…
but determined.

Over the next 6 months, I must have spent a thousand hours looking up everything I could on vertical jump training…

I tried absolutely everything I could find.

Box jumps…


Calf raises…

Those funny jump shoes…

Air alert…

Ankle weights…

But none of it actually worked.

I was so close to accepting that NO ONE could improve their vertical…

I figured that maybe it was all genetics, that you’re either born with it or not…

But Everything Changed One Night When I Went Down a Rabbit Hole…

And before I show you this, I need you to understand…

What I’m about to show you is the difference-maker between VERT SHOCK and just about every other jump program on the web…

It’s the ‘secret sauce’ behind my 3-step system

And it’s going to really piss a few people off.

Especially those YouTubers, who tell you to do box jumps, squats, whatever…

Meanwhile they collect money from ads every time you watch their videos.

Trust me, they DON’T CARE if you ever dunk…

In fact, in their eyes it’s probably better if you don’t.

Just think about it: if you finally dunk, then you stop looking up their videos…

And then they stop getting paid!

I’m seriously so sick of it.

Because over the past 10 years, I’ve spent very close to 10,000 hours refining this method.

And I know the REAL way to get you up above the rim… it all starts with targeting specific muscles in your legs.

So right now, for the first time ever, I’m going to reveal this publicly.

Anyways here it goes…

That night I found a link to a scientific journal study.

And it wasn’t any ordinary study, it detailed a secret, Russian training technique which proved…

“Athletes… can… improve their strength and explosiveness while working to become more agile… in as little as 6 weeks.”

I was skeptical when I came across this. 

Could you really improve your explosiveness in 6 weeks?

Was I really doing it all wrong?

So I put it to the test…

And here’s what I discovered…

This Russian training regimen really CAN improve your vertical 9–15 inches in under 8 weeks…

Because it trains a unique subset of your muscle tissue which we call your ‘elastic fibers’.

And without getting into too much deep science they’re essentially the muscle fibers that turn your legs into rubber bands.

When you bend your legs, tension builds up…

And when you extend them it releases…

It’s all very simple…

The only way to increase your maximum vertical is to target and strengthen your elastic fibers.

Stronger elastic fibers equal more tension which equals a higher vertical.


If you don’t train using special exercises, you end up neglecting them…

That’s why you can work SO hard but never see any results in your jump height…

Here’s Why You’ve Never Heard Of These Weird VERT SHOCK Techniques…

Let me say, if you’re skeptical, remember I was too.

After all - if this Russian workout program was so effective why hadn’t anyone taught it before?

Well there’s a couple reasons for that.

I already told you about the so-called gurus on YouTube dishing out misinformation…

The other reason? Well…

The magic behind training elastic fibers was actually developed by a Russian sports scientist named Dr. Verkhoshansky in the late 1960s…

It’s hard to pronounce so I just call him Dr. Vert, or Dr. V for short…

Dr. V developed the ‘SHOCK’ method to give the Soviet Union an unfair advantage in the Olympic high jump…

He discovered that repetitive training like squats and other ‘usual’ methods had little effect on athlete’s actual jump height.

It wasn’t until he implemented workouts that targeted these elastic fibers that he noticed real results in the athlete’s vertical jump.

This allowed the Soviets to bring home the Olympic high jump medal in 1960…

And 1964…

And 1968…

And 1972…

You get the point.

The Russians dominated the high jump with the SHOCK method…

Anyways, crazy as it all sounds, several scientific studies confirm your elastic fibers are the only way to increase your hops…

All you have to do is follow the routine which began with Dr. V’s work and you have the blueprint to strengthening your elastic fibers…

Which results in a higher vertical jump.

The only problem is…

Dr. V’s research and training regimen is kind of scattered all over the place.

And a lot of it has to be translated from Russian.

There’s even a manual that his younger daughter recently translated into English.

But it doesn’t give you the complete training program.

It took me nearly 6 months just to find everything and go through his journal articles…

Then another 5 years to test and research the methods…

I wanted to find the best approach to gain the most inches on your vertical jump…

In the shortest period of time possible.

I even got a Professional Strength and Conditioning Certification in the process… that’s how deep I was into this stuff!

So as you can imagine, this has kind of been my life for the past 10 years…

And I wanted to put it all into an easy to follow plan.

That’s why I’ve spent countless hours compiling everything I’ve ever found on vertical jumping into a downloadable, done-for-you action plan which I’ve named VERT SHOCK.

And if you’re interested, I’ll send you a link to download all of my research, as well as the full workout plan today.

It’s the only workout plan I know of that can guarantee you a dunk in just under 8 weeks.

And remember you don’t need to buy anything special to use VERT SHOCK…

It can all be done from your home and you don’t even need access to a gym to use it!


VERT SHOCK is 100% Safe

Don’t let the ‘SHOCK’ part of the title fool you, VERT SHOCK is not only the most effective way to increase your vertical…

But it’s the safest.

Because inside VERT SHOCK you are not doing any heavy weight lifting – so it will not stunt your growth.

Think about it, does anyone ever go up for a dunk with dumbbells?

Or ankle weights, or anything like that?


And we want to practice how we play.

VERT SHOCK is designed to target your MAX vertical jump by activating your ‘elastic fibers’.

So that means no weights or other fancy equipment.

Because remember, weights alone will NOT strengthen your elastic fibers.

But here are the 3 very easy steps that will…

Check it out…

Step #1

The Pre‑Shock Phase

During the first 7 days of VERT SHOCK you will be introducing your body to the unique movement patterns and exercises of the program.

And I don’t want that to sound intimidating at all…

It’s not hard on your joints… it’s no more demanding than playing in a pick up basketball game or anything else you’ve probably tried.

In fact, it’s probably a lot easier. Remember, we’re going to be working SMART not hard.

Everything I’m going to be introducing you to is centered around unique jumping exercises combined with precise sets and reps.

This first step is called ‘The Pre-Shock’ phase and it’s designed to get your body ready to fly.

You will train 4 days this week for 30 minutes per session.

Even though it is only the beginning, most of our athletes already see a 3–5+ inch gain on their vertical jump in the first 4 days!

“I Just Started Vert Shock 3 Days Ago And I'm Already Dunking!”

“After Only 10 Days of Vert Shock I went from BARELY Being Able to Dunk to throwing down 180 DUNKS EASILY!!!”

“I’ve never seen my body respond to something this quick… after 3 days I was dunking with ease!”

Step #2

The Shock Phase

Step 2 of VERT SHOCK training is designed to really push the limits.
Here we ‘shock’ your body into jumping higher than you ever thought possible.

This is where the real magic happens.

You will train on average just 3 days per week…

For a total of 40 minutes per session.

Each of your movements will carefully target those neglected elastic fibers.

It is important that you explode on every jump during this phase of the program…

…this is how you consistently reach your MAX vertical jump velocity and strengthen those elastic fibers.

After these 6 weeks you will be leaping higher than all your friends ever thought possible.

After these 6 weeks you will be leaping higher than all your friends ever thought possible.

“I've been doing Vert Shock for only 2 weeks now and I've gone from barely dunking in practice to DUNKING ON PEOPLE IN GAMES!!!”

“I started off barely grabbing rim and now I can DO THIS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VERT SHOCK!!!”

“I went from barely grabbing rim to DUNKING TWO HANDED EASY!!! Vert Shock helped me go from benchwarmer to STARTING LINEUP!”

Step #3

The Post Shock Phase

The final phase of the program is the ‘The Post-Shock Phase’.
Think of this as the icing on top…

Where everything your body ‘learned’ in steps 1 and 2 becomes cemented in your muscle memory

Ready to be called on at any time so that you can rise up and throw down massive rim-rocking dunks on command.

You will train 4 days this week for an approx. 30 minutes per session.

We back off the intensity this week and allow your body to unleash a FURY of vertical jump potential.

This is the most exciting time of the program…

You will feel much lighter and springier on your feet…

Your strengthened elastic fibers will make it feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Welcome to Dunk Life my friend…

“It feels so great to finally be able to dunk! I went from touching rim to dunking easily.”

“Vert Shock helped my son Tom throw down his FIRST DUNK EVER! Thank you for such an effective program!”

“4 weeks after starting Vert Shock I threw down my first ever WINDMILL!”

And now that you know a bit about the process…

Let me remind you…

VERT SHOCK is The Only Proven System of Its Kind…

I’ve already shown you dozens of 8-week dunk transformations from some of our members inside.

If that’s not enough…

Take a look at this video.

That’s my highlight reel in high school.

After learning about the body’s elastic fibers, and specifically training them with my VERT SHOCK routine, my ability to dunk changed my life.

It got me a full ride basketball scholarship to a Division 1 school…

Took me around the world.  Getting paid a salary to play basketball with the pros.

If I couldn’t dunk, I really don’t know where I’d be.

Remember my friend Justin? VERT SHOCK did the same for him…

And now look at him, he’s the World’s #1 Dunker.

So with VERT SHOCK, I now want to pay it forward and help YOU reach your goals.

I know what adding over 15+ inches to my vertical did for me…

…But how can it help you?

Whether it’s impressing your friends…

Getting recruited to play college ball…

Or even making it to the NBA…

I want to get you to wherever you want to go…

But in order to get there, you need to get above the rim.

Like these guys…

Yesterday ·

i FINALYY dunked today after practice. everyone was watching and i went up and dunked one handed. Special shoutout to Coach Adam and his workouts they gave me 13 inches on my vertical

12 hours ago ·

Hey guys, everybody who is out there and wants to increase his vertical should use VertShock as I can say that this was working for me.

I am now in 5th week of the programm and finally dunked for the first time. For erverybody who wants to do the same the programm not only help you to Dunk but also it makes you more athletic in everything you do on the court rebounds,defense,absorbing contact etc.).

Also the workouts are very easy to do and you only need is some space outside or in the gym to do them. Every exercise is shown in a detailed video. There is no doubt that Vert Shock is the fastest and easiest way to increase your vertical. Thank you very much for creating this awesome programm Coach Adam


57 minutes ago ·

I googled vertical jump programs and spent well over $200 trying to achieve my childhood dream to dunk in a game and none of it worked! Then I found Vert Shock.

I said never hurts to try so I bought it and after 1 week my vertical increased 4 inches and I could dunk one handed. After 4 weeks I gained almost 7 inches and could just barely dunk 2 hands.

After finishing the Vert Shock program I gained more than 12 inches and bam I'm dunking 2 hands. Thanks to Coach Adam I achieved my dream.

And today I want to do the same for you…

All you have to do is…

Agree to Try VERT SHOCK Today

I want you to be one of the lucky few who tries my new 3-step VERT SHOCK system today.

And I suggest you hurry, because there’s a limited number of access codes I can give out.

Just to recap, VERT SHOCK can take you from zero to dunking in just under 8 weeks.

And remember it’s the only program of it’s kind…

Because it actually zeroes in on those elastic fibers in your legs…

Which can improve your vertical as much as 9-15+ inches in just a few weeks.

And if you’re ready, I want to send you an access code…

But before I do…

I need you to understand how seriously I take this program.

This isn’t one of those YouTube playlists where you can just watch a few videos… skip a few…

It’s a very clearly scheduled 8-week regimen.

Like I said earlier, this is not a complicated program.

And it’s not that tough (remember – we’re working smart, not hard).

In fact, it takes just over 90 minutes per week to complete.

You don’t need to be athletic.

You don’t need to be strong.

You don’t need any fancy equipment.

But - you do need just one thing…

You need to WANT to dunk.

That’s it.  If you can promise me that one thing…
…I can promise to take you to the rim.

And it all starts with my VERT SHOCK program.

Now in case you haven’t guessed by now…

Access to the VERT SHOCK training system is not free.

And I’m sorry, I wish I could just give it to you for free.

But the fact of the matter is I would be losing money… and would very quickly need to it shut down before going bankrupt.

Between all the cash I spent doing the research, hiring a team to film and edit the videos, creating and hosting websites, producing and publishing the training manuals…

And acquiring the ‘Professional Strength and Conditioning Certification’…

I’d estimate I’ve already spent over $55,400

Now I can’t charge you $55,400 for VERT SHOCK

Even though it’s cost me a lot to make it available to you.

So today I’ve lined up a very special price for this jump training program.

And if you take me up on it now, I know you’re going to love it.

But before I tell you the awesome deal I have lined up for you, let me throw in a few more things to really make this a no brainer…

You get ALL These FREE Gifts When You Try VERT SHOCK Today!

Ballin’ Bonus #1
$17 Value YOURS FREE!

The 4 Vertical Jump Killers

No matter how well or hard you train, there’s 4 'Jump Killers' which will sabotage your success and prevent you from ever jumping any higher.

Chances are, you're doing at least one of these right now.

Inside this FREE bonus you will discover:

How to ditch the BS that’s stealing your vertical jump power so that you can finally break free from the handcuffs of feeling overlooked and underestimated…

The #1 common mistake ALL players make when trying to increase their vertical… (Heck I bet you probably did this today…)  And the easy solution to get you flying higher than ever before…

How to avoid a common misconception most "experts" tell you when it comes to training your vertical jump so that you can avoid the frustrations and pitfalls.

Ballin’ Bonus #2
$29 Value YOURS FREE!

The 5 Dirty Secrets to
Jumping Higher

Training, technique and targeting the right muscle fibers are all very important.

But sometimes a few quick and dirty 'hacks' are just what you need to add an extra couple of inches.

Inside this free bonus we spill the beans on 5 of Justin's dirty secrets to getting up there by any means necessary.

You're not going to believe these simple dunk 'cheats' of his…

Ballin’ Bonus #3
$49 Value YOURS FREE!

Weekly Check-Ins

The best program in the world is worth squat if you don't follow it.

So, to prevent you having to rely on your willpower too much, we've included a simple weekly email check-in system that increases your consistency and thus results through solid behavioral psychology.
We’ve got your back!
Ballin’ Bonus #4
$19 Value YOURS FREE!

The Jumper’s Diet Checklist

Would you believe that there are common everyday foods that sap your body's 'springiness' and cap your maximum jump potential?

It's true.

But not only that, there are also a bunch of foods which serve as jump fuel, making your body learn these 'shock' motor patterns of ours faster and easier than ever.

Follow this simple step-by-step checklist and maximize your jump potential today.
Ballin’ Bonus #5
$59 Value YOURS FREE!

NBA Jump Secrets Revealed

Inside this free bonus module you will discover:

The “MCV” secret to instantly increase your vertical jump by altering your approach velocity… you’ll be shocked at how fast this works.

A simple but deadly effective “launch pad secret” to 10x your power transfer during takeoff for MASSIVE hang time…

Why you must ALWAYS aggressively pull yourself towards the ground before you jump… this is the #1 most effective way to EXPLODE your vertical and dunk faster and easier than ever.

And much, much more

Plus if you take me up on my offer to
join VERT SHOCK today...

I’m going to really sweeten the deal by throwing in these 5 extra juicy, PREMIUM bonuses…

But only for a limited time.

BALLIN’ Bonus #6

The 'Power Leak Fix' for Overnight Hops

$25 Value

BALLIN’ Bonus #7

Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed

$25 Value

BALLIN’ Bonus #8

The Slingshot Secret to Instantly Jump Higher

$25 Value

BALLIN’ Bonus #9

The VERT SHOCK Maintenance Program

$39 Value

BALLIN’ Bonus #10

The ‘Dunk Now’ Visualization Workout

$26 Value

BALLIN’ Bonus #11

The VERT SHOCK Vert Tracker Workbook

$17 Value

That’s over $330 in FREE bonuses.

But when you agree to try VERT SHOCK right now, you won’t pay anywhere near that…

Because I really want to give you the best deal possible.

But when we're dealing with something as special as Dr. V’s dunking secrets, I can’t just give this information out to everyone.

And if I set a low price tag on VERT SHOCK, guess what?

Everyone would buy it.

That devalues the information…

And the next thing you know, all of these fake YouTubers, which you already know I hate, would take the whole VERT SHOCK system…

…Put it on their channel and make advertising money off my research and PROVEN methods.

I’ve seen it happen before.  And I’m not gonna let it happen to me.

Because everyone who’s already joined VERT SHOCK would be pissed.

I don't want tons of mad dunkers sending me angry emails…

I'd rather have a select few very, very happy (and skilled!) dunkers inside the program.

With that in mind, I'm keeping distribution of VERT SHOCK as small as possible, and ultimately protected from the masses.

That's why I have to keep my prices relatively high…

So I hope you understand why the published price of VERT SHOCK will soon cost you $138.

Now considering how much this system can affect your vertical…

At least 9-15+ inches in under 8 weeks…

Plus, the $330 in free bonuses…

Is $138 Really Such a High Price?

Can You Really Put a Price Tag on the Ability to Dunk a Basketball?

Would you be willing to pay $138 to be a guaranteed superstar on your team?

To throw down huge dunks in front of your whole school…?

I mean what do you pay for a new pair of sneakers…

$120 for a pair of Kobes?

$130 for a pair of LeBrons?

Sure they make you look and feel cool on the court…

But let me ask you…

How much has a pair of shoes ever REALLY changed your game?

I’ve played basketball for over 20 years, and I don’t know anyone that’s ever gotten a scholarship for wearing pricy shoes.

But I know plenty of people who’ve gotten full rides for their ability to dunk a basketball.

Myself included…

I received somewhere around $44,000 in tuition money just because of my dunking ability…

And I got paid much more than that to play in the pros…

So please understand, dunking is a very valuable skill.

And I’m dying to see how much it could change your life… so I’m going to do something very special for a limited time because I want you try it today.

If you agree to try out VERT SHOCK today, I’m going to give you the best price I’ve ever offered…

I know you’re going to love this special rate.

First, take one last look over EVERYTHING you’ll receive when you agree to try VERT SHOCK today.

Access To My System - VERT SHOCK

Once you sign up, I will IMMEDIATELY email you access to the VERT SHOCK members only website.

There you can find EVERYTHING including training videos, worksheets, and all the details behind the step-by-step workout plan that will have you dunking in less than 8 weeks.

You’ll find that every video is very easy to follow along in the VERT SHOCK system… so you can be rest assured you’re doing everything 100% correctly.  You’ll find additional specific tips, tricks, and techniques I’ve perfected over the past 20 years to shock your body’s elastic fibers for the absolute best high flying results.

Weekly Check-Ins

How lame would I be if I just gave you access and that was the last you ever saw of me?  Don’t worry, that’s not what’s happening here…

When you sign up for VERT SHOCK, it’s just the beginning of our relationship together…

Every week I’m going to send a few emails your way because I want to make sure you’re staying on track.

I’ll also be around to answer specific questions and give feedback.

I want you to know that we are in this together.

Plus, these FREE Ballin’ Bonuses…

BONUS The 4 Vertical Jump Killers ($17.00 Value)

BONUS 5 Dirty Secrets to Jumping Higher ($29.00 Value)

BONUS Jumper’s Diet Checklist ($19.00 Value)

BONUS The Instant Inches Formula:NBA Jump Secrets Revealed($59.00 Value)

BONUS The Power Leak Fix for Overnight Hops ($25.00 Value)

BONUS Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed ($25.00 Value)

BONUS The Slingshot Secret to Instantly Jump Higher ($25.00 Value)

BONUS The VERT SHOCK Maintenance Program ($39.00 Value)

BONUS The ‘Dunk Now’ Visualization Workout ($26.00 Value)

BONUS Vert Tracker Workbook ($17.00 Value)

Oh and one more thing…

But I can only 100% promise this if you sign up today.

Exclusive bonus

Jump Like Justin System

$97.00 Value

If you try VERT SHOCK today, Justin’s authorized me to give you access to this rare jump course…
Inside he reveals ALL of his top secrets to throwing down massive, contest winning dunks.

If you think you’re too short, or unathletic, you need to see‑this…

Because inside this never seen before course you’ll discover:

How to unlock 9+ inches of raw vertical jump using professional dunk champion secrets…

How to use “strength multipliers” to quickly become an explosive world class jumper even if you’re skinny and unathletic (combine 2 or 3 of these for insane results…)

How to re-wire your muscle memory and install the silky smooth jump mechanics of the world’s best dunkers…

3 “leg hacks” to unlock instant inches on your hops…

How to easily dunk WITHOUT PALMING THE BASKETBALL… (This is a game changer if you’re looking to throw down your first dunk…)

A weird takeoff approach used by Jus Fly for maximum propulsion and explosiveness every time

How to build confidence in your jump ability FAST so that you dunk without hesitation in games…

Plus much much more…

It’s a full course filled with videos and training manuals detailing all of Justin’s juiciest dunk secrets laid out in step-by-step modules so that you can quickly install them into your hops.

But like I said, this bonus will not last forever…

I can only promise you free access if you buy VERT SHOCK today.

And here’s the part you’re going to love…

VERT SHOCK is a One-of-a-Kind Program…

Look, I just want this to be the easiest decision you’ll ever make.

I’ve told you that by implementing the techniques you’ll find inside VERT SHOCK you can easily expect to improve your vertical by 9–15+ inches in the next 8 weeks.

And because I want you to make this decision today

I’m going to give you a once-in-a-lifetime offer that sets you up for life-changing dunks through this one-of-a-kind program.

If you sign up for a risk-free trial of VERT SHOCK today, I’ll knock 50% off the listed price.
That means you’ll get instant access to everything inside the VERT SHOCK system.

AND I’ll send you EVERYTHING else I just told you about all for the low, low price of only $67.


That’s over $427 in value for just a fraction of the price.

And I’m so confident that VERT SHOCK is going to have you dunking in 60 days or less that I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.

So if you go through this program and you absolutely CANNOT dunk in the next 8 weeks (that hardly ever happens by the way).

I will send you a 100% refund.

No questions asked.

All you need to do is send me a quick email with the subject line ‘Refund Request’… and the money’s yours.

There’s nothing to lose.

And everything to gain…

So what do you think…

Is $67 worth the life-changing opportunity to finally dunk a basketball?

It’s your call, but it’s time to make a decision…

And Like They Say…

“The Worst Decision Is No Decision”

Get Instant Access to Vert Shock

Plus 11 Bonus Modules (Total Value: $427)


The way I see it, you have three options.

Option 1

Ignore Everything You’ve Learned Today

You can do absolutely nothing…

Even after everything I’ve showed you today…

The VERT SHOCK system…

Dr. V’s research…

Elastic fibers…

If you want to pretend the facts don’t exist, that’s ok.

But when you get dunked on by that average-height guy in your next game, you’ll always wonder if he went through VERT SHOCK.

And maybe he did.

So option #1 is you can walk away and wonder “what if” for the rest of your life…

Option 2

Risk Everything By Going At It Alone

You can take what you learned today and go at it alone…

And good for you.

At least I’ve given you a ton of information today… so I’d say you’re much better off than most.

Now you know a lot of YouTube videos and so called jump ‘experts’ will lead you to dead ends.

So you could try to spend your time going through all of Dr. V’s research like I did…

It will probably take you a long time…

Like I said, it took me thousands of hours to compile everything…

Plus it took even longer to optimize VERT SHOCK for the maximum results in the minimum time (5+ years of testing and research!)

But if you’re someone that would rather spend a lot more time…

Doing a LOT more work… just to save a small amount of cash…

Well, then that’s your choice and I’m perfectly fine with that.

Just know, it took me over 5 years AFTER finding Dr. V’s research to finally perfect and finalize the VERT SHOCK system.

Or you can take the final option…

Option 3

Let Me and My Proven VERT SHOCK System Guarantee You a Dunk in the Next 8 Weeks… By Adding 9–15+ Inches to Your Vertical Jump

Take one tiny action today…
And it could have one of the greatest possible impacts on your life.

All you need to do is click the ‘ORDER NOW’ button right now.

I’ve already done all the hard work for you. (That’s what you’re paying me for, after all!)

All you need to do is follow this done-for-you roadmap… consisting of just a few workouts a week…

And you can see as much as a 3 to 5-inch increase in your vertical in the first 7 days!

And 9–15+ inches over the course of the next 8 weeks.

The fact of the matter is…

There are already plenty of people inside the VERT SHOCK program who thought they were “too short”…

Too “unathletic”…

And “didn’t have the genetics”.

…And they’re all dunking now

So why shouldn’t you?

Why not take the risk-free opportunity to lay down your first dunk in the next 60 days with VERT SHOCK.

And most people see results MUCH faster.

But the clock is ticking…

So what are you waiting for?

Simply click the “ORDER NOW” button below and let’s get started.

I’m looking forward to watching your dunk videos…


Coach Adam

Get Instant Access to Vert Shock

Plus 11 Bonus Modules (Total Value: $427)


P.S.  Don’t forget all the cool bonuses you get when you sign up for VERT SHOCK today…

Including the exclusive Jump Like Justin bonus system… This usually retails for $97… but today I’m giving it away for FREE.

In total VERT SHOCK’s taken nearly 10 years to put together…

And today you can take advantage of 10 years of dunking wisdom for the low price of $67. 

I’ve already helped over 20,000 students take their dunking to the next level…

And I want YOU to be next.

So don’t hesitate…

This offer expires soon.

And you can’t get VERT SHOCK anywhere else…

So click ORDER NOW and get started today!

Less than 8 weeks from now you could throw down your first slam!

Get Instant Access to Vert Shock

Plus 11 Bonus Modules (Total Value: $427)



What exactly am I getting?

After ordering Vert Shock you will be emailed your username/password to log into the members only portal. Inside you will be able to access the complete Vert Shock program along with all of the bonuses and Jump Like Justin free bonus course. You can access the members portal on any device connected to the internet!

How does it work?

Vert Shock uses strategic exercises and set/rep combinations to target your elastic muscle fibers. This produces explosive gains in your vertical jump.

Do I need any equipment?

No. Vert Shock does NOT require any equipment or access to a gym. You can do the program at home.

Is it safe?

Yes. Vert Shock does not use any heavy weight lifting so it will not stunt your growth. Vert Shock is safe for all ages. Of course you should check with your doctor before doing any physical exercise.

Does it expire or do I have lifetime access?

After ordering Vert Shock today you will be locked in and have lifetime access to the program. You Vert Shock program does not expire and you can log in as many times as you want.

I am in-season, can I still do it?

Yes, and you will get the same if not better results even though you are training in-season. The intermittent training schedule allows for you to plan your workouts around practice times.

I can’t even touch the rim. Is Vert Shock too advanced for me?

Nope. In fact, you are the exact type of person who will see get the biggest jump gains from this program. You have so much room for improvement that just a few tweaks will see you gaining many inches very quickly.

What if I need help or have questions in the program?

After you purchase you will instantly be given a login to the members only site. Here you will be able to read and post in the private forum as well as ask me any questions you may have.

I’m really busy, will this program take up all my time?

No. We’ve designed this program for busy people like us so you only need less than an hour max 4 times per week to get all the results from it.

How long do I have to wait to get access to Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a digital, online membership site meaning you get instant access to all the materials and videos the second you join, even if its 4am. Since there’s nothing to mail and no physical books etc, we can keep our program really affordable, saving you a ton of money for all this cutting-edge training.

I’ve never even worked out before, can I still do it?

Vert Shock is safe and works for all ages and levels. The program requires no weights or special equipment and can be done at home. Exercise videos of each movement are included so there is no prior workout experience needed.

My jump is already pretty high at over 40 inches. Will Vert Shock help me?

Yes, but not as much as say, a newbie obviously. You’ll still be able to add a few inches to your hops without much trouble though.

Can I trust you with my credit card?

Without a doubt and here’s why. All our payment processing is handled by a separate billion-dollar company that has been around for decades.

It’s called Clickbank and it’s responsible for millions of transactions per month with the latest security in place. We trust them wholeheartedly and have never had any issues at all.

We were very careful about who we decided to work with and these guys are the best, hands down. You have nothing to fear whatsoever and if you’re still nervous about it, feel free to pay with Paypal. We accept both Paypal and credit cards.

Are the testimonials real?

Yes! If you would like to get in touch with any of the athletes that provided testimonials just ask!

Get Instant Access to Vert Shock

Plus 11 Bonus Modules (Total Value: $427)


Disclaimer: Consult a physician and follow all safety instructions. Every effort has been made to accurately represent the potential of this training. Results are not typical, and only represent players who worked very hard. Of course, no guarantee can be made for every single player.